Sorry for the dark lighting. This was taken at 6 am.
How far along: 29 weeks, 1 day
Babies are the size of a: Head of Cauliflower/Butternut Squash
Babies are: Weighing around three pounds each and measuring around 17 inches each (we will know a more definitive answer next week at our monthly growth scan). Babies are getting fatter and fatter as the days go on. They are packing on the pounds like their momma during this holiday season.
Muscles and lungs are continuing to mature and are getting stronger by the day. Another exciting development for the babies is their teeth are forming in their gums.
Maternity Clothes: All day, everyday. Though I prefer my Old Navy active leggings over maternity dress pants. Just add a sweater, boots and I am all set for the day. It is all about comfort now.
Stretch Marks:Maybe one. I can't tell if it is just an indention from my pants/shirt/sweatshirt. But I am keeping the belly lubed up with coco butter throughout the day and coconut oil/lavender mixture at night.
Sleep: Oh how I miss thee. Sleep isn't going very well with this carpal tunnel crap. The wrist guard helps, but I still get numb and now my right thumb is starting to act up. It helps if I sleep on my right side, but I am not supposed to do that very often or for very long. If I could get the carpal tunnel to go away, then I could sleep so much better.
Symptoms: Carpal tunnel, backaches, swollen feet, exhausted and all around feeling like a whale.
Best Moment of the Week: Seeing family from both sides and enjoying the holidays with them all.
Cravings: Pasta, pizza, sushi and sweets. Same as usual.
Gender: Two precious baby girls.
Belly Button In or Out: Out.
Wedding Ring on or Off: On, but they have been moved to my right hand as my left hand is experiencing carpal tunnel so it is often too swollen to take the rings off my left hand.
Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: The nausea has come back, but I haven't thrown up. Just all around feeling queasy at times.
What I Miss: Sleep and being able to move easier.
What I am Looking Forward to: Our childbirth class on Saturday, surprisingly.
Labor: Thankfully nothing yet and hopefully nothing until around 36 weeks (my personal goal) or later.
Nursery: It is coming together little by little. I am almost done washing clothes and putting things up. Now onto the walls (few of the gifts we got have to be put up) and unpacking all the things mommy and daddy bought on cyber Monday once they come.
Emotions: Feeling pretty good emotionally. Physically is another story.

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