Three years ago today, I married my best friend.
How has it only been three years. It seems like we have been together for a lifetime. In a good way.
In all actuality, I have known Rory for almost 10 years (in October). When I was 23, and just a year out of college, I was encouraged to take a job at the Gaming Control Board. They won me over with possible travel around the world and a bigger paycheck than I was making as a web designer.
Within a few days of starting my new job, I met some coworkers who took me under their wing. We went to lunch together and became fast friends. One of those people was Rory. And Rory was in a serious relationship at the time.
Time went on and Rory and his girlfriend broke up. A little more time passed and we went on a couple of dates. But my roommate kept reminding me to never "dip your pen in the company ink". That it only ends badly. So as quickly as it started, it was extinguished.
Over the next three years, Rory and I were just friends. I even tried to set him up on dates with friends of mine.
I had always thought he was cute, nice, passionate about life (and sports) and funny, but again, "never dip your pen in the company ink". If we were and it ended badly, it would be super awkward at work and messy. No thanks. Plus we were on the same team. So even more awkward.
And then I had a cancer scare that I mentioned in yesterday's post. A true stand up guy Rory was. My new best friend. Plus I started to see him in a different light. He had the qualities of someone I would want in a boyfriend. He was kind, funny, a good listener, thoughtful, good looking, smart and caring among other things.
I finally took him up on going out on a date. It was very casual at first and so we kept it a secret from our friends and work. As time went on, we let our friends in on our secret. But it took 10 months to let that secret come out at work. We wanted to make sure it was lasting before telling everyone at work. Less liking to break up and have the awkwardness aftermath.

Oh and it came out at work in the most random way. Let me set this up for you. My coworkers were in Austin, Texas doing an investigation. Two of my guy friends were in Austin, Texas for work as well. Totally different lines of work. They all ended up at the same restaurant sitting next to each other. One group heard the other group talking about places in Reno and started talking. After realizing they were all from the same area and introducing themselves, my friends asked if my coworkers knew me as they knew I worked there too. Once that was confirmed and how small of a world it was, they asked if they also knew my boyfriend, Rory.
I guess my coworkers were confused as they knew Rory, but didn't know he was my boyfriend. My friends let it slip that I was dating a fellow coworker and didn't think anything of it. They failed to mention this to me when they got back to town.
Monday rolls around and my coworkers told me the story of how they met my friends Mike and Rory (another Rory) and how they told them about my boyfriend Rory. I didn't even know how to respond, so I walked away. It was pretty much confirmed and out, so we started to openly talk about it.
From there we went to Puerto Vallarta, Costa Rica, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Oregon and everywhere in between.
That time we went to SF for the Kraft Fight Hunger Bowl where the Pack won (Colin Kaepernick was our QB at the time)
That time we went horseback riding in Costa Rica
Fast forward another three years and on March 6, 2013, Rory proposed to me. And a short 6 months later, we were married. It has been a whirlwind of a romance and I wouldn't change a thing about it.
Engagement photo
Our happily ever after
I am beyond grateful for my husband and how he completes me.
So Happy Anniversary Rory! Here's to another 50 plus more.