*This post may contain affiliate links.
Did you all spend soooo much money yesterday? Because I did. I feel like I got everyone on my shopping list done, but two people and a few smaller items for the girls. I shopped and shopped and didn't get much else done. Whoops.
Anyways, I am back to recap our fun Thanksgiving weekend. Be prepared, there are some awesome pictures of my family dressed up. My husband may not dress up for Halloween, but he always does for these family Thanksgivings. Enjoy.
Wednesday we got up to finish packing and grab some breakfast before going to the airport. We got a text saying our flight was delayed and realized we could get a big breakfast before. So we did just that. Then we came home to grab our bags, say goodbye to Walter and were off to the airport. We borrowed car seat caddy's from another twin mom friend to pull the girls car seats. While I loved this, I just wish we would have checked the car seats on the plane.
We had pre-check, so security was a breeze. We waited for our flight to arrive and then we got settled in quickly. The girls sat next to Rory and I was across from them. The girls loved the airplane.
Sutton and her many facial expressions
We got into Vegas and headed to the rental car place. Everything went smoothly other than putting our car seats into the car. It isn't a Toyota, so it took a bit longer. Plus it was HOT.
We drove right over to Rory's aunts house to see everyone. The girls got to play with family and we all got to catch up. We had pizza and italian food that evening and called it an early night.
We stayed with Rory's cousin, but they were out of town for a funeral, but their son was there, so we spent the evening talking with him after the girls went down.
Thursday was Thanksgiving and we got up bright and early to head back to Rory's aunts house for a brunch. We dined on mimosas and bloody mary's (for the adults), smoked salmon, New York bagels (flown in from there), funeral potatoes, a cheesy egg chorizo casserole, carrot muffins, cucumber salad, fruit salad and bacon. I am sure I am missing something else, but it was all so good.
A cousin built the girls a house out of a box and they loved it.
We stayed there until 12:30 and then took the girls back to the house we were staying at for a nap. I had some coffee and watched football while they slept.
Then we headed to another one of Rory's cousins houses for Thanksgiving dinner.
We had a traditional Thanksgiving dinner with turkey and all the fixings, plus ham and a few other items. Then we had pie for dessert and the girls loved it. They also loved the dance off that happened after.
My in-law having a mini food fight
We went home and hung out with Rory's cousin again and talked for hours. It was so fun and definitely needed.
Friday morning we got up and I headed out to grab a dozen donuts from a shop that had amazing reviews. They were sooooo good. Thankfully we shared so I didn't eat them all.
Next, we dropped the girls off at their great aunt's house and Rory and I went out to do some late Black Friday shopping. We wanted to browse around a bit and see if we could find anything for the girls, but we didn't. We found some stuff for ourselves. Oops.
Then we went back to the house we were staying at to get ready. When we do Thanksgiving with Rory's dads side of the family, they think of a theme and we all dress like that. I have only done three of these as we split our Thanksgivings, but they are so much fun. This years theme was Chuckwagon/Wild West. I searched google for inspiration awhile ago and bought some Little House on the Prairie themed costumes the day after Halloween. This is what we came up with.
The girls were not happy as they had just woken up from a nap
Rory having a Picon Punch (a basque drink)
We had a chuckwagon themed dinner with smoked chickens, smoked brisket, Salisbury steak, homemade mac n cheese, asparagus, chili, salad and rolls. It was all very good. Then for dessert we had ice cream, pie, homemade caramels, fruit and cheeses.
Saturday morning we got up at 4 am to make a 7 am flight. We had to get ready, drive to the airport, drop off our rental car and get to our plane. It went very smoothly and we were on time.
We got into Reno, got our things and headed home. The girls fell asleep on the way home, so we grabbed some coffee and let them sleep in the car for a bit. My cousin came over, so we woke the girls up and Rory and I headed out to the last home football game against our rivals UNLV.
We had a chili cook-off tailgate that I helped host and that took up the majority of the time I was there. Then the game. The Wolf Pack beat UNLV to keep the Fremont Cannon. This is huge. Whichever team has it, paints it their colors and it is the biggest trophy for both schools.
We came home after the game and were exhausted, but we took the girls to the park. We let them play for a bit, but it started getting dark outside, so we said we can go look at the ducks in the river and see how full the river was. The girls started throwing rocks in the river and we told them to move back from the edge because you don't want to fall in. Not a minute later, Avery threw in her last two rocks and fell in. I grabbed her quickly. Luckily, it was about 8 inches deep, her face went in for a second and the river wasn't fast moving. She was screaming, but ok, so I took a photo as a reminder.
We had the girls wagon, so we put them in that and rushed home. I gave the girls baths right away to warm Avery up and then we fed them dinner. Avery was totally fine, just cold. As the evening went on, I felt sick to the my stomach and was just tired. I went to bed early and sweated out my fever. I still felt off on Sunday, but I am better now.
Sunday we got up and went to breakfast before meeting my parents at a ranger station to get a Christmas tree tag. Each year we go out and cut down a Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving. Since we were not there this year, we missed out on going with my family and friends. But my parents came out a second time with us and we went to a new area. My mom watched the girls while Rory, my dad and I searched for a tree. It took some time, but we got one. We have to cut quite a bit off the bottom, but that means more firewood for next year. And this tree is beautiful and different from the pinion pines we usually get.

After getting our tree, we headed home where Rory and my dad worked on the rain gutters before all the rain came down. My mom and I played with the girls until it was lunch and nap time. Once the girls were down, I headed to the grocery store and Target for a few things. By the time I got out of the store, it was pouring hard. I got home to a nice fire burning and toddlers running around being crazy girls from being cooped up. I made a mushroom and wild rice soup in the
Instant Pot and paired it with a kale salad and some bread. After the girls went down, we prepped our Elf on the Shelf homecoming and finished picking out Cyber Monday deals that we wanted to buy.
How was your weekend?