This weekend was a struggle. A big struggle. I thought potty training wouldn't be too bad, but guess what, it is. Especially with twins.
We decided to go full force into on Saturday morning since we worked Friday. So let me back up a bit.
Friday after work, we ran a few errands and then came home to the girls. After some play time, we got the girls ready and headed to pizza for dinner. The girls played in the restaurant and we watched some sports broadcast and happily had our beers and pizza.
After dinner, we drove to a school that is close to home and let the girls play in the playground. They had a ton of fun and didn't want to go home.
After playing we headed home and gave the girls a bath. After getting ready for bed, we snuggled for a bit and then put the girls to bed. We caught up on some shows and called it a night.
Saturday morning was the start of potty training. The girls were excited to wear real underwear. Everything was going pretty well. We asked the girls constantly if they needed to go to the bathroom and we put them on the potty every 30 minutes or so.
They were getting the idea since they have been potty training for awhile, but they would tell us just as they were starting to pee or right before and not in enough time to get to the potty. Avery had one accident in the morning and Sutton had a lot more. Every successful time, they got a M&M and they were pumped on it. But Sutton was very mad when her sister got one and she didn't. That happened a lot.
I headed out at 8:40 to get a pedicure since it was cancelled from the day before. I wasn't too excited to leave the girls since we were going full force into this, but I didn't have much choice. So I happily got my toes done and Rory took care of the girls.
We stayed at home and inside all day long and it was very boring. Ugh. I so wanted to be at the lake, but we really wanted to potty train. Such is the life.
Avery had two accidents Saturday, one in the morning and one right before bedtime. I told her we were going to go to the potty as soon as we found her paci, but if she needed to go, tell me or just run to the bathroom. She decided to pee on her little couch. Ugh. Sutton had many accidents on Saturday, but was still excited when she did go and got her M&M.
Saturday night we had wine after a long day and some take-out.
Sunday morning we got up and were excited to try again, but the girls were not. We still pushed through, put on their underwear and tried. They were doing pretty good. Sutton was going in the potty and so was Avery. Avery even went #2! Then we decided to take a walk since it was still cool enough outside (it was 99 Saturday and 93 yesterday). We made sure to try to go potty before, but Sutton had an accident about a quarter of the way through. She told us she had to pee and then peed. And then she didn't care that she had to walk in it. Ha.
Avery was good to go until the last 10 minutes of the walk. Then she said she had to go and she held it in as long as she could before she went a bit, but not fully.
We got them changed and I headed to the grocery store by our house to get a quick trip in. I came home and apparently they had 2 accidents each in that time. We still pushed on. We made the girls lunch and put them in their pull ups for naptime. Once they got up they didn't want underwear on. They were refusing it. We tried and tried, but nope, they were not having it. So we left them in pull ups and just asked them a lot if they had to go and kept going to the potty just with pull ups on instead of underwear.
And since we had been cooped up and the girls didn't want to wear the underwear, we decided to get out of the house and go to the Discovery Museum. The girls had a blast. We even went to the potty a few times when we were there.
The girls got half way up (way farther than this) and Sutton started to cry. The staff tried to have a kid help get the girls down, but no luck. So I headed up there and it sucked. I am not going to sugarcoat it. There is not enough room for adults in there. Especially tall adults like me. There were areas I couldn't fit through so I had to coach them to get down. I hit my head more times than I can count, had a bunch of kids climbing on me and felt like Reese Witherspoon in Four Christmases. Ha. But I did manage to get the girls down only for them to want to go back up. Nope. Time for the next exhibit.
We spent two hours at the museum and closed it down. We took a drive around the city and then headed home to make dinner for the girls. Once they had dinner, I worked on our dinner (which the girls ate that as well). After we ate, we bathed the girls and got everything ready for the week ahead. We tried to do more potty time as well. Once the girls went down, we sat down with a glass of wine and just relaxed, ie did nothing.
We went to bed early since Rory is in Las Vegas for the day teaching a class.
And there was our not so successful potty training weekend. Got any tips on potty training using pull ups or other methods? Send them my way.
How was your weekend?