We had a great Thanksgiving this year. We spent it at my aunt's house feasting on yummy traditional Thanksgiving dinner. The bad part...the mud stomping the Seahawks gave the Niners. Did I mention my dad is a Seahawks fan? Ya, it was brutal, but nothing two big slices of pie (pumpkin and berry) couldn't fix for the night.
Friday we headed off to cut down our Christmas tree. Being that I am 100 months pregnant I was only able to trek around a bit. But I did manage to get some exercise in, find a tree and again feast on yummy treats.
Saturday we had a second family dinner (this time with my in-laws) in Truckee, CA. The weather was a bit sketchy getting out there, but we had a big spaghetti feast (using turkey meat of course) followed by pumpkin cheese cake (from Apple Hill). I was in a food coma and happy to see my in-laws.
Sunday was spent catching up with my sister and brother in law, putting up Christmas decorations (including our tree with lights, no ornaments yet), grocery shopping (we needed food in the house badly), doing a bit of cleaning and more nursery stuff. It ended by watching the awful Broncos and Chiefs game, but at least in good company.
Another Thanksgiving in the books. Now to focus on Christmas.
Instead of buying lots of gifts for family, friends and my dear husband, we bought a bunch of things for the girls on Cyber Monday. We kinda needed the carseats and bases in order to get them home in a few short months. But I did manage to get two gifts for my husband and not buy myself a single item. I call that a win. Now to up my online shopping in the next week or so and get the rest of my gifts. And maybe have someone wrap them for me. This pregnancy carpal tunnel is getting really old really quick. Worst part about pregnancy so far.
How was your Thanksgiving?

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