One. My
So there I was, laying spread eagle on the table with my huge belly showing. Alana puts some green hard wax on. Basically it is a warm wax that hardens and you don't need fabric strips to rip it off. She let's it harden while talking to you and making you relax a bit more. Then she pulls a test area/area to grip, counts to three and rips. And you should breathe out at 3 and then she puts her hand on that area for the pain. Wow that was shocking and painful, but not that bad. Then she uses the wax with the strips for the bikini area around the belly because the hard wax can leave a hickey like bruise if you use the hard wax. Then it was onto the other side, then the back side and some clean up.
I made it through and she used this heavenly coconut oil after that was amazing. It is also great for stretch mark prevention and doesn't leave your skin oily or stain. So I definitely will be picking some of that up today.
Overall, it was a successful appointment and I even made another appointment 4 weeks from now and plan to keep going throughout and after this pregnancy. You can say Alana won me over. Pro wax now!
Two. My sweet friend has her gender reveal this weekend. I can't wait to see what the Morning's have in store for them. I am guessing BOY, but also hoping for a girl, so my little ladies have more playmates.
This was yesterday at the ultrasound. Will Baby Morning be Baby Piper or Baby Griffin? Plus the girl on the left...ya she makes the best cakes and she is making the gender reveal cake plus my baby shower cake and I can't wait to eat so much yummy cake.
Three. Nordstrom is having their 40% off sale right now and I am coveting these booties.
Not necessarily in these colors, but I need these! Actually several colors of each would do. Should I pull the trigger?
Four. I still haven't received my glucose test results and I am worried that I didn't pass. You know with twins, my massive amounts of sugar consumption (except the week of the test) and my plain luck, I am not so sure I passed. If I leave the nurse a message asking for an update, please call me back so I don't keep eating sugary things everyday. I do have cake on the menu tomorrow evening and next week. I want to be able to eat piece after piece. Thank you.
Five. Date Night. I can't wait to have date night tonight with this fella.
Yummy Italian food, my handsome husband and a movie. My heart gets so excited for these nights. We have to soak it in now because date nights will come less and less once our girls are here. I just wish Horrible Bosses 2 and Hunger Games: Catching Fire were out this weekend.
What are your weekend plans? Wanna join in on the link up fun?

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