Here are my five random favorites/things/wants.
ONE. My ear buds that I received last year at my bridal shower have officially bit the dust. One side doesn't work anymore and they kind of zap me when I workout. They worked two weeks ago when I was in San Francisco, but sometime between getting to SF and leaving, they died. So I am back to my really old Skull ear buds which aren't as soft and have an echo. I need new ear buds for working out. Suggestions?
TWO. My birthday is tomorrow (as I have said for the millionth time) and I am really excited for brunch with my bests and date night with my husband. A big fat juicy steak and a big glass of red wine is calling my name.
THREE. My anniversary trip is in 15 days. A long weekend in San Francisco with my favorite husband, cioppino, gelato, Giants game, anniversary dinner, shopping, brunch and WEDDING CAKE. Oh I can't wait to have another piece of our wedding cake. No we didn't save our top tier for our one year anniversary. Our baker is kind enough to recreate the top tier or any of our flavors as an anniversary gift.
Seriously the best day of my life
FOUR. I don't make it a secret that I love watching the Bachelor/Bachelorette. I used to watch it when it first started and then stepped away for years. But then my girlfriends would talk about it when we went out and knew I needed to get back into it. And now I am hooked again. I love to hate Courtney Robertson from Ben's season on the Bachelor. And a couple people recommended that I read this book. Have any of you read it yet?
FIVE. I have some new and exciting things coming up in life and on this blog that I can't wait to share, but know they will be revealed soon. I know, I hate when people say they have a secret, but can't tell you.
Happy Weekend All.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Sounds like you have a whole lotta fun stuff happening now. Enjoy your anniversary trip - so much fun!
ReplyDeleteOoh, and I had no idea that Courtney wrote a book. I'll definitely have to look into that!
Thanks for linking up!!!! Hope you had a great day.