Wednesday, January 23, 2019


Last week Jen reintroduced herself by asking some questions of her readers and also answering said questions herself. I feel like I should do the same. I have a bunch of new readers (hello and thank you) and I love getting to know others from the blogging community.

So answer your questions in my comments or make a post of you own.

1. Where do you call home?

2. What jobs have you held, and what do you do now?

3. What is a secret (or not so secret) talent you have?

4. What accomplishment are you most proud of from the past year?

5. What is one concert or show you'd love to see?

6. What type of person attracts you (not romantically, just generally)?

7. What is something you can't stop daydreaming about?

8. If you could eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

9. Favorite place to go on vacation?

10. What's something that is calming to you?

Now for my answers:

1. Where do you call home? I call my home Reno, Nevada. I have lived in this area my whole life. Crazy right?! Especially considering how much I travel. But I feel like since I travel for work, I get my taste of the outside world and keep myself grounded here. Though I wouldn't be opposed to moving at some point in my life.

2. What jobs have you held, and what do you do now? Right now I am a Senior Agent in the Investigations Division for the Gaming Control Board. So basically, I investigate people and companies for gaming (gambling) licenses. In the past, I have been a web designer (twice), student worker on my universities campus, a clerical agent and a service rep at a video store.

3. What is a secret (or not so secret) talent you have? Just like Jen, I can remember almost anything. I have a photographic memory. This was soooo helpful when I was in school because I could picture where something was on paper and remember it that way. Also, I am double jointed in my thumbs. Not sure that is really a talent though.

4. What accomplishment are you most proud of from the past year? The past year? Can I say surviving? Or surviving three year olds?

5. What is one concert or show you'd love to see? I wrote about this a couple weeks ago in my TBB Asks post. A festival of Pink Floyd, Metallica, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Aerosmith, Foo Fighters, Justin Timberlake and Bruno Mars.

6. What type of person attracts you (not romantically, just generally)? Someone who is funny, intelligent, can carry on a conversation, isn't afraid to be different and is a good listener. I have seriously made some of the most amazing friends through blogging because you can get to know them so well, just by their writing, before you even meet them.

7. What is something you can't stop daydreaming about? Vacation and a new house.

8. If you could eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? Pasta. That way I can change up the sauces and if I wasn't allowed to change up the sauces, then I would go for pizza.

9. Favorite place to go on vacation? Well I go to Mexico quite often, but one of my most favorite vacations was Costa Rica on the Guanecaste province. It was amazing.

10. What's something that is calming to you? Music. I seriously turn to music for everything in my life. It definitely calms me.


  1. You know my answers but I loved learning more about you! #6 is spot on, and eating pasta for the rest of my life doesn't sound like a bad way to go at all. :) Happy Wednesday, friend! Halfway there!

    1. Thanks for the inspiration to write this post. I love pasta. I could live on it. Ha.

  2. I too have lived in my area my whole life. I love that surviving is an true! Have a super day!

    1. Haha. It really is! That’s cool that you also have lived in the same area.

  3. Amen to surviving!! and for the pizza. WE are thinking of Costa Rica for a trip this year so I need to pick your brain.

    1. Oh yes please do. It is an amazing place. And yes to surviving.

  4. Great questions! I may have to answer these. Your job sounds interesting and now it makes sense why you get to travel to such cool places!

  5. That concert would be amazing!!

  6. I don't think I knew that you have a photographic memory! HOW COOL!! B and I are convinced that Jacob has one, too. He remembers everything including insignificant details that nobody else would ever remember. How old were you when you realized that you had this?

    1. I think I realized it about 3rd grade. That’s cool that Jacob May have it too!!!!

  7. I need to do a post like this, so fun! I have a memory like that too, it helped me so much in school. I love the sound of your job and all your travels, especially since it brought you to me twice!

  8. I love that you are a native Nevadan too!!!! :) It's so rare to find someone who grew up there. :)

  9. Pasta.. .mmmm...
    You're going old school with shows. I didnt even think of that - I was thinking Broadway :) haha
    I'm totally going to do this as a post - thanks for the idea :)

  10. I loved learning more about you! Your job sounds like fun!

  11. I'm so glad you did this! I loved reading your answers and learning more about you, Danielle!
