Friday, January 11, 2019

Friday Favorites and Happenings

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Wow this week has been a week. Heck, this year has already been a year. I see those memes where it says they are going to start their new year in February and I think that is me. It has already been crazy around here.

Let's get into Friday Favorites and Happenings.

ONE. So my first happening is to tell you about a trip I hinted at in a previous post. I am going on another amazing work trip towards the end of the month. Rory is staying home with the girls again since this is work related, but don't worry, we have a fun vacation coming up in April. So where am I going? I am going to Gibraltar (which I have been to before, but we are walking over to Spain on our free time which I haven't been to yet), France and Belgium. I have never been to the last two and I couldn't be more excited. The food, the sights, the wine, the cheese, the chocolates. Oh I can't wait. That being said, if anyone wants to write a guest post for me during the week of the 28th, I would LOVE that. I am gone from the 23rd to the 1st. I usually don't like to post when I am gone, but Rory, the girls and my family will be around.

TWO. If you follow me on IG, then you saw my story of me in the ER with my hospital bracelet. If you didn't document it, then it didn't happen. Ha. But really. I had been having pain since last Thursday in my lower left abdomen. I went to Mr. Google and google the sh*t out of my symptoms. I took quiz after quiz and came up with three things it could be. But none that I could really treat. I told myself that Monday morning I would go to the doctor and get things checked out.

Well, during the weekend, the pain was awful. I had a fever off and on, I had constant dull aching in my abdomen and sudden sharp knife like pains there too. I even skipped out on going sledding with Rory, the girls and my father in law since it was just hard to sit.

On Sunday, I was starting to feel nauseous on top of the other symptoms and finally headed to the ER after talking to my mom. I am stubborn and need to be pushed to do something like go to the ER. So I went to the ER and it was packed. Ugh. But luckily for me, they got me back in no time. I was hooked up to an IV and had blood drawn and urine taken. Then I had an ultrasound of my abdomen. After being there for 6 hours and a massive snowstorm rolling in, I was free to go home. They told me it was something in my uterus and that I needed to see my OBGYN the next day.

I sent this photo to the girls since Sutton would wondering where I was and where my owie was.

Well Monday, I called my OBGYN and she wasn't in the office. She was still on vacation and would be back in on Tuesday, so they scheduled me an appointment for then. I went in on Tuesday and had another extensive exam, ultrasound and some testing done. It turns out, I have an infection in my uterine lining and that is what is causing the pain and fever. So now I am on antibiotics AGAIN for 10 days. Let's hope this gets fixed and it isn't something else along with the infection.

THREE. I recently bought two of the cutest sweaters. One is a cardigan and the other is a sweater. I love shopping at Vici (no not sponsored. just love their stuff) and recently found another shop called Cents of Style.

Since it is sooo cold here and snowing and just being gloomy, I have been living in sweaters. And the Vici sweater was basically free since I bought something a long time ago and returned it.


Have a great weekend!


  1. You poor girl, I am so glad they found the infection so you can get better. Those sweaters are so cute and wow, your trip sounds amazing!

    1. Thank you Andrea. I am hoping to start feeling better and enjoying 2019.

  2. Glad they were able to find out what was going on! Hope you feel better! Can't wait to hear all about your trips, I haven't been to Belgium and think that'd be cool!

    Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams

    1. I can't wait for Belgium. It is definitely going to cost me a lot in chocolates and those caramel waffle things. And thank you so much!

  3. I'm glad you know what's going on now and it sounds like it's treatable. Those sweaters are so cute! Hope you have a great weekend! Sierra Beautifully Candid

  4. Lady you have had a rough go of doctors and medical stuff as of late. Hang in there.

  5. Oh no - it has been a week for you! I hope the meds kick in stat. Your work trip sounds AWESOME - definitely something to look forward to!

    1. Me too. It has been a year already. I just hope to get healthy before too long. I can't wait for my work trip!!!

  6. Oh my gosh, Danielle. I didn't even know you could get an infection in your uterus. That is so scary. I'm so glad that you finally got some answers, though. Thank goodness you went to the doc! And girl, your trips make me so jealous. You are going to have an amazing time!

    1. I had no idea either and we have no idea where it came from. I am just glad that they caught it.

  7. OH MY WORD. I have never heard of such a thing. Do you have issues normally with uterus issues? Infections there? That's nuts. I'll pray the antibiotics wipe it out - but man, I feel you having to take antibiotics - I'm STILL recovering from taking a few 4 weeks... they mess me up!!!!

  8. I'm a little annoyed on your behalf that the ER couldn't give you antibiotics! You obviously had an infection with the fever and the pain! I hope things are feeling better now. I also had some stomach pain last weekend and went to the doctor Monday. He thinks it's my gallbladder! I have an ultrasound appointment for this coming Monday. I'm excited for you for your work trip! Have a great weekend!

    1. Me too. Especially after how much I had to spend there. And no obvious answers there. OH no. I hope it isn't your gallbladder. That would be awful. I am sending you positive thoughts.

  9. Oh my gosh I missed that on instagram. I am so sorry! I hope that you are feeling better, how does one get an infection like that? Where are you going in France? I went to school there for a semester!

  10. Ugh, what an ordeal! I hope this infection clears up quickly for you -- February can't come soon enough for you! Although it sounds like you have such an exciting trip coming up. Can't wait to live vicariously through you!

    1. No it can not. I just want to be healthy again and feeling better. I can't wait for my trip. That part will be fun!!!

  11. Ughh I'm sorry you had that pain and had to go to the hospital! Something similar happened to me in March and it was terrible - and we never found out what it was! And wow - what a work trip!!

    1. I am not 100% sure we know what mine is. I hope my antibiotics work though. I can't wait for the work trip!

  12. I'm so sorry to hear about your health issues...horrible. I'm glad they figured out what the problem was!

  13. I really like that cardigan. Hope you get to feeling better soon. Hope you're able to have some fun on the work trip.

    1. Thank you so much. I hope I can start feeling better too. The cardigan is amazing!! I wore it this weekend.

  14. Gosh I am so sorry to hear about your infection and that I missed your IG story! You must have been so worried. It is great to hear they got to the route of the issue and they are treating it - I am sure you will be feeling so much better when the antibiotics kick in! Your forthcoming trip sounds great! As you know I lived in Brussels- if you want tips on what to see and where to eat (if you haven't been before) let me know. Do you get to pick your own hotels too? The Steinbecker (was the Conrad) and Metropole are the best - even if you don't get to stay there you MUST take a peek inside. Tons of Belle Epoque era cafes. Tons of great Moroccan places too - in fact you can eat any nationality. I lived above a Congolese restaurant at one point. Let me know - - I can then live vicariously though you - will tell you where to get the best street frites! And the best chocolatier of course. So excited for you! GET WELL SOON - that fab hat and cardie combo will cheer you up 0 you must buy it xx

    1. I do need suggestions and tips. I have never been before and I can't wait to go. I will take a peak inside. I am staying at a Hilton property, but I can't remember which one. I will definitely email you. Thank you so much!!!

  15. I'm so sorry to hear that you were SO sick, that had to be so scary for you and your family! I'm glad to know you're feeling better and I'm loving the sweaters you shared from Vici! I have seen so many people posts cute Vici finds, but I have yet to order! Have a great week :)

  16. yikes, that infection sounds awful. hope you are feeling better soon!
