Tuesday, March 8, 2016

10 Pinterest Pins I'll Probably Never Try

Yesterday I told you that I tried a new recipe and it really disappointed. So disappointing that I didn't even want to finish my dinner and that is saying something. Today I am linking up with Karli for her new 10 list link up, and I am stealing borrowing one of her ideas.
 10 Pinterest Pins I'll Probably Never Try

Because let's be real, I get hungry, I pin and more often than not, I decide the recipes are too complicated, only suit me (not my picky husband) or that later on they just don't sound good. Ever hear of drunk Pinteresting. Yep I did a lot of that while planning my wedding.

So without further ado.... 10 Pinterest Pins I'll Probably Never Try

1. Grilled Cheese Sandwich with Bacon and a Fried Egg
I pinned this a long time ago. I love grilled cheese, I love bacon and I love breakfast. But I just don't think the egg is something I want on my grilled cheese. So this is a no go.

2. Baked Parmesan Spaghetti
After my disastrous baked spaghetti casserole from this weekend, I am going to say I wouldn't ever make this one. Hey this one might be better, but I think I like the full tomato flavors instead of the cheese and noodle flavor. Don't get me wrong, I love cheese, but if I want a cheese pasta, I will make alfredo.

3. Coconut Curry Chicken Soup
This soup is right up my alley. I have a similar favorite at a local soup restaurant and I think I will stick to that. I made yellow curry once and it turned out so bad. I don't know if it was me or the recipe, but I HATED it and I LOVE curry. Anyone want to make this for me?

4. Stovetop Cajun Chicken Mac N Cheese
Let it be known, that I LOVE mac n cheese. I may have stolen a few bites of my girls' when I made it for them this weekend. So good. When I pinned this, I wasn't married. My husband likes mac n cheese, but it isn't a favorite, so I never get to make it. Plus I KNOW he wouldn't be down for the cajun style.

5. Salted Caramel Cheesecake Bars
I want these. I would like to think I can handle this, but most cheesecakes I have had, never live up to New York style cheesecake, so I never want to make them. This has everything I love in food. Cheesecake (which I only get to eat around my birthday), salted caramel and it is in a bar form so I don't feel so guilty eating 10 of them. But as I said, they never live up to NY style.

6. Chopped Thai Chicken Salad
Another Thai dish. No thanks, I will leave it up to my favorite Thai restaurants.

7. Spicy Pulled Pork Popper Sandwiches
I love pulled pork sandwiches and I love jalapeno poppers. But together might not be the best. I had to have pinned this while drunk or searching for party recipes.

8. 10 Garden Planters to Make
I love our garden and always want to plant new flowers each year. I always make big plans and then cut them back seeing how much work it will be. I wanted to make some of these for our house, but then realized I just wanted to plant the flowers, not make pretty planters. Maybe someday with my girls?

9. Heart Blanket
I wanted to learn to crochet and make this for my girls, but that takes patience and this momma had time for it prior to twins, but definitely not now.

10. Bathroom Cabinets Makeover
After moving in with Rory, I was dying to restain and simply redo my bathroom a bit. I have restained some furniture and thought this would be an easy route. Then I talked to coworkers about the cabinets I had and decided that redoing the bathroom would be better. And when I had more money. So needless to say, we are trying to combine it into our kitchen reno.

So this list made me feel hungry and that I can't finish any projects, but it was sure fun going through my pins to see what I have really made and what I pinned for some good reason. Check out my pins here. You know, follow me and all that good stuff.

Want to link up? Grab the button and go to Karli's page. Super easy and fun.  


  1. Ha ha! I love this. The amount of pins I have that I'll never actually try. I've recently been going through them and deleting.

    1. I thought about that when writing this post. Some of these things I thought, I must have been drunk, pregnant, or someone else pinned them. Haha. But I am sure they looked great at the time or seemed easy to do.

  2. There are so many pins that I have that I will never try either. Haha!

    1. I would like to think I am a Pinterest queen and will try all the things, but nope!

  3. Daily struggle via pinterest. Oh well :)


  4. Oh Pinterest... so tempting but so not easy. And yeah cabinet staining sounds awful after all the chair staining I did.

    1. Yes I can't wait to see the chairs! I loved doing dressers and the stools I have done, but the bathroom seems way more work. I love DIY projects but after doing a bunch for my wedding, I learned they aren't as easy as they seem.

  5. I feel like the grilled cheese with egg looks so good on an initial first look but then when you really think about it not so much, ha! I have so so many pins that I will never get around to trying!

    1. That is exactly what I was thinking with the grilled cheese. I love grilled cheese, but adding an egg, eh.

  6. I think I could go for the egg grilled cheese as long as the egg wasn't too runny! Fun true so many things I pin initially and pull up

    The Queen in Between

    1. Yes I need my eggs fried. No eggs over easy in sandwiches.

  7. Love this! I would really like to try a few of those. I have so many things pinned that will definitely never happen, haha.

    1. I know, right? I think I will try them and never do. I do try quite a few recipes, but I always have to run them past Rory first. That is probably why a lot of them don't get made.

  8. Oh Pinterest... my boards are nothing but empty dreams... I'll never do a 10th of the stuff I pin! Love this idea for a post, everyone out there can relate!!!

    1. Yes I agree. Empty dreams for most of mine. Especially the clothes. Give me all the pretty stuff for free please. Haha.

  9. For me, 99% of things I Pin don't get made! I am just not a DIY person, and following recipes is so much work! I feel like Thai/Indian food is hard to cook. We're actually going to make crockpot butter chicken this week and I reeeeally hope it turns out good!

    1. Thai and Indian are definitely hard to cook and replicate. I love both foods and they never come out tasting good when I tried. I leave it to the pros. I have that pinned and want to make it too. But I probably won't. Unless you say it was really good. Haha.

  10. I love this idea for a list. Pinterest is a great tool but I regularly pin about eleventy billion more recipes than I could ever make. Or I would be 500 pounds:)

    1. Haha me too. I always pin things that seem so fattening and not healthy. But I do enjoy some of the recipes I have made from it. My husbands favorite dish is from a Pinterest pin.

  11. Egg on grilled cheese? No thank you.

    And I, too, wish that I had learned how to crochet. Sadly, that will never happen as I don't even have time to read books these days!

    1. I know. I have no clue what I was even thinking. And I want that heart blanket so much. I need to enlist a friend that crochets.

  12. I was just telling my coworker the other day I've given up on Pinterest. I've accepted that 99.9% of the things I've pinned are just never gonna happen.

    xo Christina

    1. Haha, yes. I feel the same way. I should be proud when I actually do one because it doesn't happen that often. Thanks for stopping by!

  13. I completely sympathize with Pins letting you down, so disappointing! I would probably steer clear of that pulled pork and jalapenos, sounds like tummy troubles lol

  14. Too funny - I'm dying over the "drunk pinning" :)

    1. Haha it is probably true though. Just like you should never go to the grocery story hungry or buzzed because you will want everything!

  15. The grilled cheese sandwich with bacon & fried egg looks incredible. I can actually see myself making that. :]

    // ▲ ▲

  16. I love the idea of this post. I agree I have a lot of recipes for pasta and grilled cheese that I don't think I will ever get around to. Jess at Just Jess

    1. I know and it is funny that pasta is my favorite food, so you would think I would want to make anything with pasta.

  17. I feel ya, I've been making an effort to delete pins I'm never going to do so I can actually find the ones I use!

    We make this coconut curry often and it's delicious

    1. Yes I need to do this so bad. And I will look into the coconut curry.
