These are my confessions...
I confess that I still get grossed out by making/touching chicken (raw to be specific). It started when I was pregnant with the girls and I made chicken two days in a row and got sick from it. Not from undercooked chicken, but the smell, touch and texture of it. Especially leftover chicken. And now I have been baking chicken two to three times a week for the girls. It grosses me out. So this week I didn't want to make it, so I opted for frozen chicken tenders (organic, gluten free ones). They smelt good, were easier to cut up and store for the girls. I won't be doing it weekly, but it changes it up every so often.
I confess that I have been wearing earplugs to bed lately (not when the girls are sick though) because my husband has been snoring (only when he sleeps on his back). But also because then he has to get up more at night to tend to the girls. I will still hear them cry, but can block out the snoring. Total win for me.
I confess that I get excited when my girls poop. Weird yes, but crazy, no. When your kids get so constipated from being sick (RSV), only wanting to drink milk and not eating much, you welcome poopy diapers. And lots of them.
I confess that I want this promotion at work so bad that I fear I won't get it. Everyone who interviewed thinks they did an amazing job and are a shew-in for it, but I feel like it is never my time no matter how hard I work that I get into my own head.
I confess that I drink WAY TOO MUCH coffee. Well for my standards. I used to have a latte here and there, then I had one daily and now I will have either a latte, followed by coffee and then coffee again in the afternoon. I drink so much coffee. Don't get me wrong, I love coffee/lattes, but they are so fattening. I used to drink "skinny" drinks, but changed that when I was pregnant. Well I am trying to cut back on the coffee to a cup or two a day, use a very small amount of half and half (I can't drink black coffee) and go back to "skinny" lattes. One step at a time.
I confess that I don't understand the obsession with LuLaRoe and their leggings. I wear leggings/yoga pants pretty often, but I like the standard black leggings. I do love the cute Fair Isle ones everyone wears in the winter/Christmas time, but the crazy colors and patterns are not my thing. Plus I hear from one person that they are cheaply made and others that say they last forever. So ladies, what do you think? Are they good? Bad? Worth it? I have an obsession with Lululemon pants and not sure if I can ever go back. That is why I only have a couple pairs of those babies.
I confess that I am so annoyed with reselling children's items. I am part of a couple facebook resell groups and no one comes through. They say they want the items, then never respond again. Ugh. This means that I will have to hang, tag and price all the items for a consignment sale with my twin mom group and the local one I go to twice a year. So.Much.Work. And I also have to pick things I want to keep for keepsake items. So hard going through your children's things. Too many tears.
I confess that my mom gave us a huge bag of cookies (homemade) on Sunday at my sisters birthday dinner and they are pretty much gone. And mostly by me. I am supposed to cut the sweets but these cookies are my jam. Better do hours on my Simply Fit Board tonight to make up for it (since I can't use it or workout for a couple weeks after tomorrow). Oops.

Before Cash, I wasn't a big coffee drinker, then that changed. Now, with Wyatt it is even more.
ReplyDeleteOh we got our girl scout cookies over the weekend & I've pretty much polished off a whole box...
Yes. I live on coffee like it is my water. Haha. I haven't found any girl scout cookies, but I scouted their website and saw they are selling them this weekend and asked my in-laws to pick me up some since I will be laid up in bed after surgery.
DeleteYes yes yes! I don't get the leggings by then either. Too much and I love color normally. I'm not a coffee drinker but I love hot chocolate and go to Starbucks for it more than I should. :) I'm a Girl Scout leader so we have way too many cookies in our house right now. Ugh! I usually cheer when Emmy poops but the last few days she's pooped so many times each day (thanks to a tooth coming in) that her bottom is practically raw nomatter what I do to help. Poor baby!
ReplyDeleteStarbucks has amazing hot chocolate. My coffee addiction is so bad that I will eat a quick salad for lunch and then walk to Starbucks since it is 1 1/2 miles round trip from my work. I drink about 4 to 5 cups on average each day. Ouch. Oh I need to come to your house for cookies. Thin mints are my favorite. From the freezer of course. Oh you should use this cream the girls pediatrician recommended. I will take a picture and send it to you. It cures raw butt and rashes so fast!
DeleteI drink way to much coffee too. I don't use cream or sugar in my coffee in the morning BUT I always stop by Starbucks after work and get a tall something :) At least I buy a tall and not a venti. Baby step I agree.
ReplyDeleteHaha, I get the venti, but I make it skinny. Then I feel a bit better. Coffee through an IV would work too.
DeleteI to do not get the leggings. My co-worker wears them all the time and loves them and added me to a group that sells them. Just too much color. I also love my Lululemon ones. I wear them all the time as normal leggings. They feel great, hold up and suck me in! I wish our girls were further apart in age as I would buy what you are done with in a heart beat!
ReplyDeleteThat is why I questioned them. I was added to a FB group this week that sell them and I just don't get them. I also wish that we lived closer so we could meet up and have play dates!!!
DeleteI feel the same way about WHOLE raw chickens. Can't. Do it. Do you hide how much coffee you drink?? Husby will find all my cups around the house, and I'm caught!! (In my defense, I never ever get to actually finish a cup, so it looks way worse than it is!)
ReplyDeleteI don't have to hide it because my husband drinks about as much as I do. But he has been drinking a bunch of coffee forever. His mom is the same way. Come to think of it, I probably get it from them. Yep, I will blame them. Hahaha.
DeleteI HATE raw chicken. So gross. And my husband makes chicken wings and those make we want to vom. I gave up coffee for lent (not super religious, but I suppose catholic guilt gets to me) and I surprisingly feel better...better sleep, no's a win! I did an all too large happy dance when Wes pooped last night- it freaked him out and he started crying haha. Lululemon is my fave too, but I recently bought a couple pair from old navy and they're super comfy- not to workout in, but for casual wear. We're lucky where we live that people are obsessed with buying/selling used stuff. We can unload anything pretty quickly! Woof, long response sorry!
ReplyDeleteI love eating chicken, but the prep of it is awful. So gross. You are amazing for giving up coffee. I might once my girls get older. For now it is my lifeline. Having twins you need coffee. Heck having kids you need it. Our kids must think we are crazy when we get excited that they pooped. I am going to have to do the consignment sale. That means more work, but at least we will get it all out at once.
DeleteI'm the same with raw meat. I hate to touch it - I usually use a fork or tongs. So with you on LulaRoe!!
ReplyDeleteOther meats don't get to me as much, but chicken is the worst. Sometimes I will buy the cut up raw chicken so I don't have to touch it and I can just dump it in the pan right away. No shame in that. haha.
DeleteI came across your blog from reading another blog so I wanted to stop by and say hello! I am soooo with you on these LulaRoe leggings! I don't get it. They are obnoxiously loud prints, and I much prefer black! LOL Maybe i'm just boring?!? And coffee, it's my obsession too. I went from a cup a day to multiple cups a day. But it's one thing that I truly enjoy! Hope you have a great day =)
I am so glad you found my blog!!! I think I am boring too in that I can't do the crazy color and prints on leggings. It just doesn't work for me. More power to the girls who can rock them. Oh yes to coffee and something that I truly enjoy. I can't wait to check out your blog!
DeleteOkay, I CANNOT cook chicken anymore!!! It started when I was pregnant with Cam and has continued...cannot do it. ICK Even eating it grosses me out sometimes!! And poppy diapers, bring em on! Louise has gone through a two week stretch of painful/limited poops (TMI?). I feel so badly for her and just want a huge blow out! Weird? Ha! Have you tried Kidizen for selling? I use it and love it. People don't say INT, they buy it, you get paid then ship it. Easy! There are small fees, but it's worth it for pricier items and people can't back out. I also buy a lot on there! LuLaRue...still waiting to find a style I love. Hasn't happened yet (except black).
ReplyDeleteSo weird how chicken can do that to people. Me included. Glad I am not alone. Not TMI. My girls were going through it too. I haven't tried INT. Hmmm. I might have to do that.
DeleteOh my gosh I drink so much coffee too! I make it at home and use creamer. I'm sure it's super fattening but there's just no undoing it at this point! Also sending good vibes and prayers for your promotion Hun!
ReplyDeleteThank you. I really hope I get the promotion. Hope you are having a good Thursday!
DeleteI'm with you on the leggings. I do think they're cute, but, they're definitely not for me. I like mine plain black.
ReplyDeleteWhat is with the chicken thing? I can't deal with it either. Handling raw chicken literally makes me want to GAG! It's awful! And yet, I love chicken!!! I wish I could just buy all of it already prepared, lol. Wishing you the best of luck with the promotion - it's hard to be your own worst critic and feel like you are always selling yourself short! I don't know much about the LulaRoe leggings, but from what I've seen they are just a little too out there for me! Thanks for linking up again this week, sweet girl!:)
ReplyDeleteSo I actually love chicken & it doesn't bother me to touch it when it's raw but I HATE the taste of leftover chicken that has been re-heated. I know life would be so much easier if I could get over that one little thing, haha. And I think some of those Facebook groups are a joke. I'm on a few as well & people do the exact same thing! I have completely given up on trying to sell anything on there.
ReplyDeleteI'm presently eating alllllllllllll the Girl Scout cookies.... so no cookie judgment here. I remember the earplug days. I used the waxy ones made for swimmers... got rid of all kinds of noise. ;)
ReplyDeleteSometimes you just need to eat a bunch of cookies, right?!?
ReplyDeleteThe chicken thing bothers me, too. Actually all raw meat does! It started with my first pregnancy and it never went away!
My fingers are crossed that you get that promotion that you are hoping for! XOXO
I can't touch raw chicken. Ugh. And if we're having meatballs or burgers and we have to shape them ourselves with ground meat...all Michael! I refuse to touch that stuff. I saw something about Lularoe leggings the other day and I kind of like the fun patterns, but only for lounging at home or working out (and I don't think they're workout leggings). Plus, I feel like it's more trouble than its worth to find someone selling them. And I don't trust that they'd be great quality either.
ReplyDeleteOh girl, raw chicken grosses me out SO. BAD. You should see how many times I wash my hands when I'm handling it! Brian always makes fun of me because he thinks that I'm being extreme. I always tell him he should thank me because he's never gotten salmonella poisoning. Haha.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with your promotion at work! I can't wait to hear if you got it!