We are still working from home right now, but Rory goes into his new office on Monday and I will be home with my pup, Walter. I am not sure how much longer we will be working from home, but I am guessing it will be at least until August.
This week was hard to get back into the groove of things after having last week off in Graeagle, but we survived and are looking forward to this weekend. Maybe even get up to Lake Tahoe and go to the beach. Tonight, we are celebrating Rory's birthday dinner...only three months late. Date night and birthday celebration call for dressing up!
Anyways, onto Friday Favorites and Happenings.
ONE. When I got back from Graeagle, I knew there was a few items that I needed from Ulta...a moisturizer, a setting spray or my setting powder, and my eyeshadow primer. I hit up Ulta since I had a coupon for there. This was the first time I have been in since the store had shut down and they were out of a lot of items since they hadn't gotten a shipment in the last month that they have been open. There were supposed to get one this week, but I was already in there shopping.
I did get a setting spray (for travel and to try something new), the eyeshadow primer and my favorite eyeshadow since I can never find it anymore at Sephora. But here is what I purchased. And I am really glad that I held off on the moisturizer since Tarte had a deal where you buy 7 items for $63 and you get over $200 worth of full sized products.
I had never tried this setting spray until this week and I really like it. My make-up stays on all day and doesn't need refreshing at all.
TWO. As I mentioned above, Tarte had this sale they do each year where you can get 7 full sized items for $63. You pick an item from each category like eyes, face, lip, etc. and put together a combination and then pick a bag as your last item. I have usually pass on this, but I wanted the Baba Bomb Moisturizer (from when I was at Ulta and they didn't have it) and that is $39 alone. Plus I love the Lights Camera Lashes mascara and that basically covered the entire cost of the order.
Here is what I ordered:
Babassu Foundcealer I have never used this foundation/concealer, but I have heard good things about it. I had to guess on my color, but I used a color match program that Sephora offers, so I hope it is close to my color.
Amazonian Clay Matte Waterproof Bronzer This is another product that I haven't used, but I love a good bronzer and this one gets really good reviews.
Double Take Eyeliner I use all sorts of brands when it comes to eyeliner. I don't wear eyeliner everyday, but I can't wait to try this one.
Lights, Camera, Lashes Mascara This is an amazing mascara. I have been using this one for about 6 months now and I LOVE it. I have tried countless mascaras and they either irritate my eyes or just don't give me the volume and wow factor that I look for. This one does and I won't be changing it up anytime soon.
H2O Gloss I almost bought this stuff during the Sephora Spring sale, but I just didn't want to spend the extra money. But then it was available in the kit and I bought one of the fan favorite colors Room Service.
Baba Bomb This is the moisturizer that I wanted to buy from Ulta that was sold out, so I got it in this kit and I can't wait to try it. The only thing it doesn't have is spf, but I have a lotion that I use daily to cover that.
THREE. Last weekend we went to my dear friend, Ashley's daughters 1st birthday party. The theme was rainbows and All You Need Is Love and it couldn't have been any cuter. We went as a family and had a great time. The girls got to play with friends and we got to see our friends. Total win!
FOUR. This week we got some concrete laid beside our house. We used to have a garden here, but it was hard to maintain the soil quality over here. Now we have all of our garden items in old wine barrels.
Rory has been wanting to do this for years now and we finally did it with some leftover money from our renovation. Now we just need to rebuild the fence and put a bunch of stuff from the garage on this side of the house.
FIVE. Weekly funnies.
Concrete looks great! Yay to the rainbow theme, that van photo opp is soooo CUTE! Happy Weekend!
ReplyDeleteIt was such a cute set up! I loved the whole theme.
DeleteThe Tarte deal sounds awesome! I do love their mascara. Those memes are on point today! Cant wait to see what South Park does with the world right now lol. Have a great weekend!
ReplyDeleteIt really does seem like a great deal. I love the memes. I am sure South Park is definitely coming up with tons of material for years. Ha.
DeleteGreat makeup choices and that party looks fun.
ReplyDeleteIt was a ton of fun! And thank you. I hope I enjoy the make up and picked the right colors.
DeleteThat eye shadow color is so pretty! Unfortunately the link isn't working for me. Lights camera lashes is my favorite mascara! I hope you have a nice weekend!
ReplyDeleteI love it. It is my go to everyday. I love my Tarte palette, but I save my favorite color in there for weekends or going out. Ha. I fixed the link and it should work now. It is a good color. But only sold at Ulta I have found.
DeleteThat concrete looks really great! That's awesome that y'all had some money leftover from your renovation to be able to do that!
ReplyDeleteI would have saved the money for another project later, but Rory really wanted this done and it turned out nice. And now we can put up a basketball hoop or something for the girls too.
DeleteI love that eye shadow color! Years ago I used one that looked very similar by Clinique called "lucky penny" and I'd always get so many compliments when I wore it. Your concrete project looks great! Feels so good to get house stuff done! Have a great weekend, xo
ReplyDeleteDoes Clinique still make that color? I am always looking for dupes. And thank you. I love that our house is coming along and we don't have much left to do to it.
DeleteHoly moly, what a deal on all those products! I'm the worst at buying new skin/makeup items haha maybe I should someday!
ReplyDeletei am the worst at buying new ones too. I never know if I will like it. Luckily, a lot of places allow you to return them even after you use them and try out that color.
DeleteGosh, I can't believe you will still be home working until or through August. I bet Rory is glad to back. The first bday party looks like it was fun!
ReplyDeleteIt is crazy. He is glad to be back in an office for sure. It was a lot of fun!
DeleteThose memes are hilarious! I certainly didn't see myself here in 5 years.
ReplyDeleteHaha I don't think anyone did!
DeleteI seriously love your weekly memes. They always make me laugh. The concrete looks great! And I’m still working from home too. I can’t decide if I’m ready to go back or not. Lol. Happy weekend!
ReplyDeleteThank you. I am glad I could give you a little laugh. I can't decide either, but right now, it is pretty good!