Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Girl Crushes

Quite awhile ago, Sarah from Venus Trapped in Mars who I absolutely adore (she has the best posts about sports, alcohol, her pups and life) wrote a post about being a certain celebrity or be best friends with that celebrity.  It all stemmed from her girl crush on Miranda Lambert.  Which got me to thinking who is my girl crush?
Easy.  Blake Lively.
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Blake Lively has it ALL.  She has the best hair, style, fashion sense, physical features and she was in Gossip Girl.  I was late on the Gossip Girl train, but I finally caved last year and binged watched the entire series.  Loved it.

I would love to be friends with Blake or be her (per Sarah's post).  The best thing about Blake other than what I mentioned above?  Ryan Reynolds.  Definitely one of my male celebrity crushes.
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Oh the babies these two will have.  Who are your female celebrity crushes?
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  1. oh my gosh i totally have the biggest celeb crush on blake too!! sparkles and shoes wrote about this last week i think!

  2. I have a post on my girl crushes sitting in my drafts! Blake is gorgeous. I was late to the Gossip Girl party too but I'm working my way through it and loving it!
