Get ready for a little soap box rant here because I have to get this out here otherwise someone's twitter feed is going to get dumped on.
On November 2nd, I order a fireplace screen since last year ours broke and we have did a temporary fix to it. I researched it and finally pulled the trigger. I bought the screen from Plow and Hearth. I had heard good things about them and this screen got great reviews.
We paid a pretty penny to have this shipped to us with a promised shipping of 5 to 7 business days. Weeks later, we hadn't heard anything so I contacted them using their chat feature to be told the screen shipped that day. Great, I guess, but only a month late.
We received the box Wednesday evening and it was smashed.
We opened it on Friday and only the screen and instructions were in there. No legs, no back legs, no bolts, no nuts and no wrench. I called Plow and Hearth and told them that it took over a month to get this, it came damaged and most of it was missing. They reordered the parts and told us it would be 5 business days. Fast forward to this morning when I get to work and I have an email saying they were backordered until January 4th. That means it won't even ship until then. So I will have to wait at least 2 1/2 months, if not longer given their track record, to receive my full item. And I paid $22 for shipping for this piece of crap. They won't give a discount or anything. They just said they are sorry and hope it ships sooner or I can send it all back. So mad right now. Piece of crap company with crappy service during the holidays.
End rant.
My weekend was pretty good other than that. Friday after work, we went out to lunch with the girls and on the way home, I told my husband that my belly button area has been tender for the last two weeks. I just didn't say anything about it, but it was to the point that it really hurt. When we got home, I had him feel my belly button and surrounding areas. He could feel the bulge that was sticking out too. Basically my umbilical hernia is back and way worse than before. Or at least we think. Before, it stuck way out and only was tender if you pushed my belly button in. Now I can barely even graze the area and it is in a lot of pain. And if I am holding a baby and she touches it, it is on fire. So I have to go back to my doctor, but not until Friday because they didn't have any openings today and Wednesday I am in Vegas for work. Boo. So hopefully I can get some answers then.
That night I made taco pasta bake while the girls were playing and we ate it after they went to bed. Saturday we headed to the mall to get the girls pictures with Santa. They are really good. I just need to scan them so I can post them. We did a bit of shopping around the mall since there were some good sales going on. We got quite a few Christmas presents for family. Then we headed home to feed the girls and I headed back out to get the girls some diapers, household items and ran to another mall for some other deals on Christmas gifts (all for our families). I may have snuck in a pair of lounge pants for myself, but at a huge deep discount. We have everyone done now except my in-laws. Oh and I need a few more things for my husband's stocking and a few things for the girls.
Saturday night we got Indian take-out and relaxed at home watching football. Sunday we headed out to breakfast again, and then to Target to return the yard reindeer that I wrote about here. It was so tiny and not worth the $50 price tag. So we bought a few other things we needed and spent way less than what we returned.
Once we were home, I headed out again to go grocery shopping. I came home to start cooking for my work December day of food. I made a huge fruit salad and bacon, cheddar and chive muffins. So good. But it took a long time. Worth it though. I got to hang out with my girls in between which was so much fun. They really are into climbing all over me and playing now which makes it so much more amazing. We gave the girls a bath, I started cooking dinner, we did their bedtime routine, I finished cooking and we watched the rest of SNF and a few other shows before turning in.
The girls have been waking up a lot more the past few days and it is wearing on this momma. Hoping for a good nights rest tonight.
Tomorrow I am headed to Las Vegas overnight for work and I get to see my dear friend Steve for dinner. I can't wait to catch up and hear all about his grandbaby who will be here any day now.
How was your weekend?

Ah I am so sorry about the screen! There is absolutely no way they should be able to get away with that. And definitely no way you should pay the added shipping. Maybe reach out to them via a fb message or something and see if they respond better that way. Yay for a fun weekend though and hope you get some more rest!!!!
ReplyDeleteI will reach out to them somehow. I need to cool off a bit before doing so though. Haha. Hope you had a good weekend!
DeleteOh my gosh! You should totally dump on their Twitter feed if they have one. That usually makes companies step up a little better! Nobody wants bad publicity.
ReplyDeleteIt does. We did that with AT&T Uverse (cable tv) because we had been customers for a long time and no one would give us a deal. One twitter comment (and not a mean one) and we had some awesome customer service!
DeleteOther than the really crappy company order it sounds like a great weekend! I'm so sorry that happened. It totally sucks when a company doesn't hold up to their end of the bargain. :( I hope you have a great week this week to make up for that.
ReplyDeleteThank you! It was a great weekend. Now I am trying to figure out other gifts to get my little ladies. Hope you had a great weekend!