Tuesday, April 25, 2017


I am so late posting about our weekend. I didn't manage to get many photos, but we did manage to do a lot around the house.

Friday after work, I headed to lunch with some of my co-workers. We were celebrating one of the ladies birthdays and it has become a new tradition to go to lunch for their birthday. So we had some amazing Thai food and then we headed back to work for about half hour before I left to go pick up the girls.

Once I had the girls, we headed over to a donut shop to meet someone to sell the girls' baby gate. Once that was done, Sutton was asking for a donut, so we went through the drive thru and got her a cake donut. Avery didn't want a donut, only crackers. Girl loves her crackers.

Once we got home, the girls had some snacks and then we played until Rory got home from his appointment. We played some more before taking a walk and then I headed off to dinner with a friend. We went to this amazing restaurant and got the best chioppino in town, but unfortunately there must have been a bad piece of seafood in mine because I got sick. I felt sick all weekend and I am finally feeling better. Ugh. So after dinner, I came home and went to bed.

Saturday morning we went to breakfast and then headed over to the mall to let the girls burn some energy off and so we could grab a few things that we needed. You may have seen my IG posts of the girls on the slides. They usually aren't that into the slide, but I guess practice at daycare has been helping. The girls had the playground to themselves for thirty minutes.
toddlers at mall playground

After the mall, we headed home since it was close to nap time. While the girls napped, we did some things around the house. Once their naps were over, we went for a walk.
Toddler eats and walks
silver bracelet from mexico
Avery wanted to wear her silver bracelet from Mexico

At 6 pm, my father in law came over to watch the girls, so Rory and I could head out on date night. I was nervous with how upset my stomach was, but we managed to have a good time and some good Italian food. We went to a new to us restaurant where we had shrimp ceviche Italian style, a shared Caesar salad, pasta dishes for each of us and then a tart dessert.

Dinner was amazing, but my stomach got the best of me. Once we were home and my father in law left, I tried to stay up to watch the rest of Fargo, but my stomach was in knots again, so I headed to bed.

Sunday morning we made pancakes, bacon and coffee for breakfast and the girls really liked it. I only had coffee and a piece of bacon. It was all my stomach could handle. My in-laws came over at 10 am and took the girls for a walk, so we decided to head out to run errands. We went to Target, Home Depot, Total Wine and then to lunch. When Rory said he wanted poke bowls for lunch, I wasn't sure how my stomach would do. But we had them and they were pretty good. Only minor stomach aches from it.
Poke King bowl

We came home and the girls were just getting ready to go down for their naps, so we helped clean up and put them down. Once they were down, I headed out to Petco and the grocery store. Once I got back, the girls were playing outside while Rory did yardwork. We got settled in and then went on another walk.

Once we were home, it was time to make the girls dinner, bathe them and get ready for the week ahead. I also started prepping dinner which was spicy meatball subs. You may have seen my IG stories about it. So good.

We watched the rest of Fargo and a few other shows we needed to catch up on before going to bed. Monday morning I woke up to a migraine and I knew I needed to give myself a break and so I stayed home and cuddled Walter all day.

Have you ever been sick from seafood? It wrecked havoc on my body all weekend. Ugh. But now I am better and back at work. How was your weekend?


  1. Aw, so sorry to hear you weren't feeling 100 percent. Glad you took Monday to rest. We started Fargo last week too. It was kind of slow to begin with, but started picking up toward the end. How are you feeling now? The girls look like they had lots of fun playing at the mall.

  2. Oh gosh... I've heard of seafood being an easy food to make you sick. Thats scary.
    That little bracelet!!! Will it stretch to grow with her for awhile?
    & Avery gets a high five from me. I can eat crackers every day - all day.

  3. Danielle, so lovely to "meet you" through the linkup today! Date nights are the best, right? We love Italian, too. Glad you got some time together. Blessings to you, brave mama.

    1. Lovely to meet you as well! I love a good date night and Italian night is the best.

  4. I'm so sorry you felt so sick all weekend, stomach stuff is the worst and can really sideline you. Glad you were able to spend time with the girls and have a date night. Cheers to a better week <3
    Green Fashionista

  5. Sorry to hear you were sick! After I ate my lunch yesterday my stomach hurt all day and I threw up! I wasn't eating seafood though!

  6. Bummer that you were sick but glad you were able to enjoy a date night.

  7. So sorry that you were sick this weekend, girl! I hope you're feeling better this week!

  8. Sorry you weren't feeling well, food illness is the worst! Hope you are feeling better!

  9. Oh sweetie, I had food poisoning from tilapia one time...the worst!!! I hope you're getting your energy back. LOVE Avery's sweet bracelet and look at those purple sunnies..adorable!!! Hope you have a great and relaxing evening!!

  10. Ugh food poisoning is the worst! I'm sorry you had to deal with that, but glad you're feeling better now!

  11. Food poisoning is the absolute worst because there really isn't anything you can do. Sorry you got hit by that this weekend. :(

  12. Glad you're feeling better. Nothing worse than an upset stomach.

  13. Boo for getting sick from seafood!! Yikes, does it feel like the stomach flu? No fun! I'm glad you still managed to have a good weekend despite that! I loved watching the videos of the girls on the slide!

  14. Have you ever been tested to see if you are allergic to fish or shrimp? My daughter has an atypical reaction to seafood-sounds very similar to your reaction.
