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Happy Friday all! Tomorrow is Halloween! Can you believe it? This month flew by and we are cruising right into the holidays. I don't know about you, but I can't wait to decorate our house and play Christmas movies on the daily!
I can't wait to show you all our costumes and how they come together. Let's hope it all works out.
Onto Friday Favorites and Happenings.
ONE. Joanne inspired me to bust out Halloween's past costumes of my girls. So here they are...starting from 2019 and working our way back.

TWO. We had a major raccoon problem this year. They use our back fence to move from street to street. They have done this for years and it has never been a problem. But this year, in the last two months, they have been using it nightly. Like families of raccoons are doing this. And my dog rushes out there, barks at them, tries to jump up at them and often corners them. As you can guess, this freaks us out because if one of them falls, jumps down or protects itself, Walter can get hurt pretty badly and he can get rabies too.
Walter has always been allowed to go inside and outside on his own free will. We have a doggy door and never locked him in. And we don't crate train him. He is a good dog and has loved this lifestyle. Well recently, we have been locking him in at night. I just worry that something will happen and this gives me peace of mind. We did this after several nights of waking up at 2 am and hearing Walter barking like a mad man and going outside to see raccoons on our fence. It takes us over an hour to get everything settled, Walter calmed and locked inside.
What I am trying to get at is we have also adding another measure. And after a month of this, I want to share it with you all just in case you have the same situation going on. I have tried everything to get them to stop roaming our fences. I have used a vinegar and water solution on the fence and it didn't help. I have used bleach and water. And chili powder. Finally the thing that worked....Epsom Salt.
I bought Epsom Salt at Target, a large bag of the Up and Up brand and I put it on our fence line. I just used my hand, filled it with the salt, and slowly walked the fence line letting it sprinkle out. It is about a quarter of an inch wide and lines the whole fence. We haven't seen any raccoons since that first day that I added it. Now you have to re-add it if it rains, gets windy or after a couple weeks.
THREE. Ok I finally gave into all the hype about those Artis makeup brushes. After having my Charlotte Tilbury Hollywood Brush for a few years, the foundation side is losing the "hairs". The concealer side is still good. Soooo I bought one of the Artis brushes in the Elite Oval 6 along with the cleaner and pad. And wow. My foundation looks like it was airbrushed on. It looks really good. I was going to wait until the Sephora sale and buy a new Charlotte Tilbury brush, but I am glad I got this one. Now I can buy other things that I need to stock up on at the Sephora sale.
This is not an affiliate link. I just really like this. And you can get 25% off right now when you sign up for emails.
FOUR. Today marks the start of the Sephora Holiday Sale for Rouge members. They get 20% off. My level, the VIB starts on Tuesday November 3rd and I get 15% off. The final tier, Insider gets 10% off and they get to shop on Thursday November 5th. I use this sale to stock up on make up and hair products that I have run out of or will be out of soon. I have a list going and I am hoping I can get what I need because who wants to pay full price when they don't have to? Even 15% off is better than nothing. Are you shopping the sale?
FIVE. Weekly funnies
Have a great weekend. I am linking up with A Little Bit of Everything.