Monday, December 2, 2019

November Prime Purchases

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It's time for another round of what I bought on Amazon Prime. 

Prime Purchases
linking up with Tanya

I bought a lot on Amazon Prime this last month. I know I will buy even more this month.

Here is what I bought.

Our elf arrived yesterday and these two books were waiting along with pjs and some other items.
Santa's Underwear Book

Merry Christmas Stinky Face

I bought the girls a Starlight projector based on Lindsay's recommendation. This will be great in the girls room for a nightlight! Plus it has a timer on it.
Starlight Projector

Next, I bought a Fabric Shaver. I have many sweaters that have pilled and other fabrics that have accumulated lint, so I bought this off recommendation. It really does work and I haven't had an issues. Plus it was a great price.
Fabric Shaver

I traded in my iPhone 10s Max for an iPhone 11 Max Pro. It was cheaper per month and the camera is way better. I don't plan on getting a new phone for a long time. Ha. Plus the trade in after a year is done. Now it is like 18 months. But I needed a new case and this case in the previous model did just fine for me!
iPhone 11 Max Pro Case

So you know how we have a themed Thanksgiving on Rory's dads side of the family? Well we are doing it again this year, but on Friday instead of Thanksgiving. This year's theme is Jersey Shore and I am going for the Snooki look. So are my girls. Here is the dress and boot covers I got.
Leopard Print Body Con Dress

Fur Boot Covers

I needed some new Command Hangers for our Stockings. I used the previous years ones on other things and I needed something new. I wish we could hang our stocking on a mantel, but the new mantel wasn't in the renovation budget, so many another year. For now, we use this method and it works out pretty well.
Command Metal Hangers

Another item I wanted to get from Target and forgot was a mini tree skirt. Last year, I bought the girls a mini tree to have in their room and they love it. I got this one. But then I saw the tree skirts and had to have one. So I ordered it on Amazon since I couldn't get it shipped to me unless I bought more things (totaling $25 or more)
Mini Tree Skirt

Lastly, I bought some Christmas pjs for myself. I almost bought a pair at Target, but they didn't have my size. So I went to Amazon and got this pair. They are cute and cozy. 
Women's Christmas PJs

I already bought some other items yesterday for our renovation and having hardwood floors. Those will be on next month's Prime purchases.

What did you buy this month? Stay tuned to tomorrow's post for my Favorite Amazon Purchases of the Year.


  1. That leopard dress is simply fabulous and I love the pajamas! It’s so fun to see what everyone gets from Amazon

    1. The dress was surprisingly comfy and so soft. The pjs are the best!

  2. Oh my gosh... I LOVE that you guys have a themed holiday, haha! I can't wait to see you in that dress; it's so fun!

    1. It was a lot of fun and the costumes were amazing!! I can't wait to share!

  3. I love the themed holiday and your snookie stuff is spot on! I need to get a tree skirt for my mini tree, that one is so cute. I have mostly been buying my parents stuff on prime since they don't have an account. I got myself a refill of my digestible Hyaluronic Acid that is supposed to help with joints.

    1. I wanted to buy mine from Target, but I kept forgetting to get it. This one turned out to be really cute. My girls love it. I am all about joint health and keeping up on those things.

  4. Those fur boot covers could probably be used for a fun Halloween outfit too :)
    I love new christmas jammies!!!

    1. Oh yes they could. I could totally wear this costume next Halloween as well! The jammies are cute and comfy!

  5. My kids have the starlight projector as well.. it went from the older one to the younger one.

  6. That theme at Rory's family sounds AMAZING! Serena has that projector and LOVES it, and I need that sweater shaver <3

    Green Fashionista

    1. That sweater saver is my favorite purchase in a long time. It is awesome!!! So worth it. I hope my girls love that projector too!

  7. Oh Amazon Prime, how I love thee! Girl, you have to share pics from this themed party. I'm going to die laughing because that is an excellent theme! Great purchases all around!

    1. Oh yes, I am definitely sharing them this Friday. I shared them in stories, but they went away already. It was a great time!

  8. I need that fabric shaver - great idea and buy! xo, Biana BlovedBoston

  9. I have had a fabric shaver on my list for forever now - glad to hear it works! LOL at those boot covers.. so good! Representing my state. ;)

  10. Those PJs are perfect! I've been wanting some for myself!
