Friday, August 8, 2014

Oh Hey Friday

Oh hey, Friday, nice to see you again.  It has been a very long week, and I can't wait to sleep in and save the remaining weekends of summer.

Monday or Wednesday, I have an update on the babies with lots of new ultrasound photos, so get ready for that.  But in the meantime, these are the five things I have disliked about my first trimester.

One.  Acne.  I am not a teenager anymore, nor did I have acne as a teen.  I only get a zit here and there every once in awhile, but since the hormones are raging through my body, I am breaking out like crazy.  And they are the most painful red bitches ever.  No matter how many times I wash my face, cut back on the make up or hydrate, they keep coming back.  So unattractive.  Where is the pregnancy glow I always heard about?

Two.  My uterus is stretching like crazy.  If I bend over a certain way or my pants are too tight, I feel like I am being ripped apart.  And the check out lady at the grocery store never put my Tylenol in the bag after we paid for it.  Rude.

Three.  I have only gained one pound (since I had lost some initially) which is pretty awesome, but this belly is already popping out.  But it isn't the cute baby bump we desire.  It is the, I ate too many cookies, slices of pie, cupcakes or whatever is the sugary item of the week look.  I want my cute bump please.

Four.  A full night's rest would be amazing, but the million, ok two or three, pee breaks in the middle of the night are killing me.  I love me some sleep and need to cherish it while I can.  Am I right?

Five.  I want some new clothes.  Not as much as a first trimester gripe, but I need some more flowy shirts to cover this bump for work and outside work, but I trying on clothes in front of those mirrors in the changing room are depressing for a pregnant girl.  Anyone have some fall tops that fit this criteria they have been scoping out?

And that the complaining is done, I did love most of my first trimester and look forward to the 2nd trimester where I hear it is a lot more fun, relaxing and you look cute as ever with your bump and glow.  I have also loved seeing my babies on the ultrasound screen.  The out pour of love we received with our announcement.  My love for eating more fruit and veggies than I have ever wanted.  And so much more.

Linking up for Oh Hey, Friday!


  1. Hi I am joining you from the link up and glad to be a new follower!! I hear ya on the first trimester... fun stuff. But it's worth it all. Have fun shopping!! Every pre go girl needs some new glam to help her through the next 9 months. :) ;)

    1. I agree and that is why I can't wait to go shopping in San Francisco this upcoming weekend. My husband is in for a real treat, hahaha. Thank for following along!

  2. Kay, so you said "babies" like plural. Did I miss something?! Two? Or more?!

    1. Yes you did! We are having twins! I am so happy, excited, nervous and scared wrapped up into one package. It is going to be crazy, but amazing.

  3. Oh my Goodness, tell me about this "pregnancy glow" every one speaks about!!!! BC I don't see it either!! HAHAHA maybe a sign a girls!!!!

    1. I agree. Where is my beautiful look, no acne, glamorous pregnant lady glow?
