Friday, February 14, 2014

To Cut or Not to Cut

As I mentioned before, I am getting my hair done on today. It is one of my favorite things to do for myself.  I always tell Marie that I wish she could blow dry and style my hair everyday.  No matter how hard I try, she always makes it feel smoother, softer, smell better and perfectly styled.  Aww if only I was rich.
I am in a hair dilemma (sort of).  I have been trying to grow my hair out since way before my wedding.  I want to have really long hair, but either I fry the ends or get tired of waiting it out.  I know you can use extensions and I have, but I can't use them everyday.  I have thin, easily breakable hair.
So while I want my long lucious locks like these...
  I also would love to change my hair up and get a long bob like these...
But alas, it is not in the cards for me just yet.  I will just play with the color (varying styles of blonde) for now.  Maybe after I have my first child, I will go for the shorter, easier to manage hair.  Until then, I will just dream because I know I will regret it if I chop my hair.  It is finally getting long, but it still has another 4 inches or so to go.

Have you made any dramatic hair changes lately?  Did you grow your hair out more after your wedding or go for the post-wedding chop?
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  1. The secret to long hair is to leave it alone. Don't use heat on it every day and then you don't have to cut it as often (honestly I only trim my hair once or twice a year). If you want it healthy then don't use any product on it and only wash it a couple times a week with natural shampoo. And, I know you don't want to hear this one, but don't dye it. Basically treat your hair like you're a hippy, even if you're not. ;-)

    1. Hahaha, I wish I could treat my hair like a hippy. I try not to wash it everyday and I only get micro trims every 16 weeks. Surprisingly my hair girl said my hair is really healthy right now and growing fast. I chalk it up to the prenatal vitamins I take. Now only if they would work and can be used for a pregnancy :)

      You have amazing hair and I'm working on mine to get there.
