Monday, June 18, 2018

Father's Day Weekending

This weekend was different, unusual, weird. Between cranky toddlers, rainy weather, a sick child on Father's Day and Father's Day, nothing went quite as planned.

Let me back up to Friday. Rory had a golf tournament, so that meant that I was to pick up the girls after work. But first, I grabbed lunch, went to Old Navy and then a local clothing shop before heading to the hospital for a genetic DNA test.

After getting done, I went to Trader Joes to get snacks for the beach the next day plus a few of our favorites for the house. Oh and if you love a summer time cocktail, they have these seltzer flavored water alcohol drinks that are amazing right now. I got the pomegranate one. Yum.

After dropping off the groceries at home, I picked up the girls and took them to the park. We were only there for about 40 minutes before the wind got to be too much for them. Then I took them to dinner at our favorite Mexican place. They were mostly behaved.
toddler park time

toddler park time

toddler park time

toddler park time

toddler park time

Then we went home, got ready for bed and watched an episode of Mickey. Then I did the normal bedtime routine with them. Rory got home about 15 minutes after they went down, so he was able to kiss them goodnight.

Saturday morning we got up early since the girls had no interest in the dog wake up clock we got them. They didn't even pay attention to it. Even though they did Friday morning. Ugh. After we got up, we got ready and left to go to the beach. We grabbed coffees along the way and were so excited for our first beach day.

It wasn't too crowded when we got there, but it started filling up fast. We had an ok time. The girls were feisty, didn't want to listen, only wanted to eat non-stop and didn't want to go in the water since it was so cold. I don't blame them on the last one though because it was too cold and windy to go in. But we managed to stay there for 3 1/2 hours before leaving since Sutton refused to go to the bathroom there. Even though they were real bathrooms, flushable toilets and so clean.
Sand Harbor Lake Tahoe

Sand Harbor Lake Tahoe

Sand Harbor Lake Tahoe

Sand Harbor Lake Tahoe

Sand Harbor Lake Tahoe

The girls napped on the way home, but they didn't get a long enough nap because they were even more cranky and grumpy when we got home.

Once we were home, we gave the girls a bath and then let them have some quiet time in their rooms. That didn't last that long. Let's just say the rest of the day was hard. They were grumpy, didn't want to listen and threw a lot of tantrums.

I made salmon with the strawberry avocado salsa along with some rice. The girls had chicken and the rice. We put them to bed a bit early and tried to relax the rest of the evening.

Sunday morning the girls actually stayed in their room until their clock turned green. It was a success. We got up, got ready and met my in-laws at breakfast. Everything was great and we had a good time. We got home and hung out and the girls were doing pretty well. They were tired of being cooped up though, but it was raining and was supposed to rain all day.

My in-laws came over to put a new fan up in our living room and to play with the girls. I was going to go to Target while all of this was happening, but Avery told me her tummy hurt, so we snuggled on the couch and watched them put the fan up. My MIL played with Sutton while all of this was happening.

We made the girls lunch, but Avery didn't want to eat and Sutton only ate a bit. Then we put them down and I helped finish putting the fan up. As soon as we got done, we heard a weird noise and then Avery screaming. She threw up in her bed. So I took her into the bath and bathed her while Rory quietly cleaned her bed out.

Once she was out of the bath, she was happy and fine. I got her dressed and we snuggled on the couch. Not long later, Sutton woke up and then Avery was full on grumpy. I cleaned up from putting the fan up (vacuumed and swept) and then we got ready to head to my in-laws house for dinner since Avery seemed to be doing better other than being grumpy.

She complained the whole car ride over that she wanted to go home, but we thought she was still just being grumpy. Nope. As soon as we walked into my in-laws house, she threw up again. But then she exclaimed that she felt awesome again. Ha.

We cleaned the throw up up, along with Avery and her clothes. We were cautious in that we might need to leave, but she was in a better mood and so much more like herself. So we played it by ear. She actually wanted to eat, but we said first to try crackers after a bit. After about 20 minutes we gave her some crackers and she ate those. That is basically all she ate that evening.

We had bacon burgers with all the fixings along with two kinds of fries and salad.
grilling burgers

After dinner we had some dessert and then headed out since the girls didn't get much of a nap and Avery was still under the weather. On the way home she was doing great, but getting tired. She fell asleep very quickly when we got home, but Sutton wasn't that tired. Rory hung out in their room to make sure Avery was ok and to keep Sutton company. When he thought they were both asleep, he took Walter for a walk. I got things ready for the week, but then Avery started screaming. I thought she had thrown up, but she hadn't. She said she had to go to the bathroom and wanted her daddy NOW.

I took her to the bathroom, but she was still screaming for her daddy. I tucked her back in bed and hung out in her room until Rory got home from his walk with Walter. He stayed in their room for another 10 minutes until she fell asleep. We managed to watch about 30 minutes of a show before she woke up again. She complained that her feet hurt, that she didn't want to go to sleep (she was scared) and wanted her daddy. So we put the travel bed up in the girls room and Rory slept in their room most of the night. What an awesome dad!

How was your weekend?

Oh I did want to mention that almost the same thing happened two years ago on Mother's Day. We had dinner over at my sister's house and Avery wasn't feeling well that whole day either. And when we got home, she threw up that evening. Not sure what it was that time either, but poor baby girl has been sick on both Father's Day and Mother's Day.


  1. Ugh so sorry she wasn't feeling good, throwing up little kids makes me so sad. Those burgers sound amazing and so does the beach, it is so pretty with the mountains in the background! Hope she is feeling better today!

  2. Sorry to hear that she wasn't feeling well - definitely puts a damper on the day! Your beach time sounds like fun - you guys did spend a ton of time there!! Since blogger comments are dumb now - to answer your question, I'm 33 weeks :) xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. I'm sorry to hear the weekend didn't go as planned. Those are always so tough to navigate through. I hope she is feeling better now. We've definitely been there with days when the boys act up like crazy and no matter what we do they make things difficult on us. Sierra Beautifully Candid

  4. What an awesome dad! Sorry to hear Avery wasn't feeling well, and hopefully it stays contained to just her. But yay for the 1st beach day, how gorgeous is that water <3
    Green Fashionista

  5. Aw, so sorry to hear Avery didn't feel well. :( Those weekends are tough, especially when it's a "special" weekend and there are plans, etc. Here's to a new, happy, healthy week ahead!

  6. Dog gone it, so sorry weekend wasn’t the best but you’re a trooper and I bet next weekend and all summer will be waaay better! xo

  7. Poor Avery! Sounds like you could use a large class of wine right now just like me lol. Sick kiddos and no naps make for a long weekend. At least you guys tried to make the best of it. I laid on Zoe's floor next to her crib for a few hours in the early hours of this morning trying to get her back to sleep. A travel bed would have been smarter.

  8. Oh blimey - when you relay about the grumpiness, bathroom aversion, sickness you are so cool and matter of fact - do you stay like this at the time? I can hardly remember all of this but probably didn't always keep my cool - it is very testing, especially at he end of the week when you are tired and just want a piece of calm and peace. I hope you managed to get a slice of R&R at some point! :) Before I go I have to say - those burgers look unreal. The beach looks pretty amazing too!

  9. Oh lord. I am so sorry. it could have been worse I suppose? I am sending you virtual wine and a girl hangout sesh. 3 is just hard and you are doing it double. Hang in there!

  10. Oh no.. poor her and poor you. Hope she's feeling better now.
    Those burgers look divine.

  11. Little kids being sick is the worst, hope she's feeling better. Love the pics from the park- their sunglasses are too cute!

  12. Poor Avery!!! I hope she is feeling better.

  13. I hope Avery is feeling much better now! Poor kiddo! The beach looks so nice!

  14. I hope Avery is better and that Sutton is ok too!

  15. Ugh, sorry your weekend didn't go as planned. I hope you guys get a redo next weekend!

  16. Oh my goodness - what a roller coaster weekend! You need a weekend from your weekend it sounds like!
