Wednesday, February 20, 2019

My Nose Update

So I haven't done an update on my nose in what is probably forever or about a month after my surgery. 

If you remember, I had a severe deviated septum, a bone spur inside my right nostril, collapsed nostrils and no support in the tip of my nose. That is what was mostly wrong with my nose. Here is a before picture.
septorhinoplasty before photos

And here is an after surgery photo.
septorhinoplasty recovery photos

So bad. I had bruising, my nose was huge, but was on the way to being mended. 

Here is my nose 6 days post op.
septorhinoplasty recovery photos

And then I became a bad blogger and mostly stopped taking photos. I took a few after that, but I didn't keep up with it like I planned. I kept going to my appointments...about every 6 weeks to check up on my nose. Basically, after surgery, my right side was still collapsed in and I was still having a hard time breathing out of that side. The left side was great! Amazing actually.

Fast forward to my 6 month appointment and I went in for a check-up. My right nostril is still collapsing in when I breathe in, where the bone spur was is now extra skin, the tip still has some deviation to it and now I have a hole through the septum. So he recommended surgery again. While he is fixing all of those things, he will fix the bridge to smooth it out since the cartilage didn't take very well there. He will have to take cartilage from either my ear or my rib since he used all of the remaining/extra last time. He isn't sure if he will have to break my nose again until he gets in there, but he will have to re-open the incision on my nose to do an open rhinoplasty. So it will be pretty bad again.
This is the current look to my nose. You can see the left side (right on this photo) is normal and the right side is still very small and completely closes when I breathe in.

I am trying to be optimistic about it. I hope this fixes everything and I will be able to fully breathe out of my right side. And then no surgeries for a long time please. 

I have surgery set for April 30th as that was the first available other than when I am in Mexico for vacation (2 weeks before). I am nervous and not excited about the pain, but I am excited about the afters. My nose was finally not swollen and feeling great, but I knew it wasn't fully functional yet. So here's to round number two. 


  1. Oh girl, yes, praying this surgery gives you full function and you can be done with all this! xo

    1. I had the same surgery 2 years ago. The Dr. told me I had the worst deviated septum he had ever seen. I pray that this is the last surgery and your nose will be perfect! I know how difficult the recovery can be. Keep us posted!

  2. Hoping all goes well with this next surgery, Danielle! You deserve to feel 100%!

  3. This has been quite the ordeal for you but I am hoping it finally fixes everything.

    1. I know. I hate that I am still going through it, but hopefully this is what fixes it all.

  4. I hope everything is finally fixed for you after this next one! xo, Biana BlovedBoston

  5. I am so sorry that you have to have surgery again! I pray that this will be the last one you have to have. I know you're ready to be on the other side of it!

  6. If I were you I would not want to go through all that again! I so hope it is helpful and worthwhile!

    1. I don't want to go through it, but I want to breathe better. I hope this is it.

  7. Oh dang, I'm sorry you have to have another surgery. Fingers crossed this one will correct everything! I'll be thinking about you.

    1. I am soooo over this surgery stuff and the fact that I have to wait for awhile to get it done sucks. I just want to move on from it all. but thank you so much!

  8. OHHHHH MANNNNN.... That's just not fun at all... gotta focus on that "after" & holding onto the HOPE that it's all going to be better. HOPE - HANG ON - PAIN ENDS... that's been my motto through all my surgeries. I'll add you to my prayer list right now to pray for you until the surgery & all the healing after!!!

    1. That is what I am focusing on. I know you are in the same boat as me with surgeries and hoping that the pain/suffering just ends. I will be praying for you as well!

  9. Ah man praying that this next one will solve the issue for GOOD!

  10. I hope the next time is the final fix! I had to have my armpits done twice too, sometimes they can't fix it right the first time. I am glad your recovery has been okay.

  11. I am so sorry to hear that you are going to have to have another surgery. I really hope this is the final fix for you.

  12. Ugh! I'm so sorry that you have to go through this again! I really hope this next surgery takes care of this and you won't have to deal with it again. Hugs!

  13. Hopefully this surgery will be your last! Be strong, mama!

  14. OH NO! I am so sorry that the first one did not fix everything. That is so frustrating! But hopefully this will be it! I have a horribly deviated septum and wear a breath right to bed every night but I am terrified to have it fixed. I will follow your results closely - thanks for sharing!

  15. Oh how demoralising - I feel for you, I really do. It sounds complicated but it does sound like they have a good plan to fix it - is it the same surgeon? Was it his mistake or just a risk of the previous surgery? On the plus side - you recovered soooo fast from the other one - I am sure that you will again this time and in no time be feeling so much better. Best of best luck - I am sure it will all go brilliantly xx Bon courage!
