Monday, October 15, 2018


We had a pretty great weekend considering everything that is going on. Life is just really hard sometimes. But anyways, our weekend was eventful and we checked off some of our Fall Bucket List items.

Friday after work, I went to my nose surgeon for a 9 week check-up. The good news is my nose is healing, but the bad news is, I will need another surgery in February to correct my nostril that is still collapsed and some excess tissue in that nostril. It won't be as tough of a surgery, but it is still surgery.

After my appointment, I grabbed some lunch and then took Walter to the groomers. While he was getting groomed, I went to Target and then got the call that he was ready, but they found a worm in his bottom. I freaked a bit and went to pick him up. I also texted my friend who is a veterinarian surgeon to see what I should do. She suggested I take him to the vet to be checked out and see if it was indeed worms. Walter's normal vet is fully booked until December, so I had to take him somewhere else. I did a walk-in and we were seen pretty quickly. Turns out he didn't have worms, but excessive anal gland excretion. So gross. They got the rest out and made sure he was healthy and sent us off. 

I got home and did some cleaning since my girlfriend cancelled on going out that night. Then I met Rory for some sushi (after his golf) and then we picked the girls up from their grandparents house.

Saturday morning we got up and went to breakfast and then took the girls to their dance class. They had a blast and are really working on their routine for their Christmas recital. Then we drove the girls down to my parents house for the night. They were staying over while we went to the Nevada vs. Boise game. We went back to Target to return something and then headed home to get ready for the game.

We tailgated and had the best Italian food there.

And took some pictures with one of our mascots.

Then we made our way inside, but stopped at our plaque again.

Nevada lost and it was actually a pretty good game until the end. We seriously have the hardest time beating Boise. Ugh.

Sunday morning we tried to sleep in, but we weren't not able to. So we got up, got ready and then went to breakfast and headed down to get the girls and head to Apple Hill. Our first stop was Grandpa's Cellar. We all got some pie, strudel or crumble with ice cream. The girls just opted for ice cream. Then we headed to O'Halloran's Apple Trail Ranch so our friends could get some pumpkins. The girls helped our friends find some pumpkins and then they played with a kitten there.
O'Halloran's Apple Trail Ranch

pumpkin patch

pumpkin patch

Next, we headed to the Jack Russell Brewery and enjoyed a beer and some jalapeno kettle corn.

Only Avery was up for taking photos.

Next up was Eldorado Orchards which is the girls favorite place. They have a train, face painting, food and crafts there. When we got there, the girls immediately asked to get their face painted. They each chose a princess themed face painting.

Then they wanted to ride on the train, but Sutton backed out at last minute. So she and I walked around while Rory and Avery waited in line. We met them just as they were taking off so Sutton could wave to her sister and dad. Then we took some photos of the girls and our friends kids.
Eldorado Orchards

Eldorado Orchards

Eldorado Orchards
Sutton (my flower girl was holding them up)

Finally, we made our way to Boa Vista Orchards where the girls and I did some apple and pear tasting before heading in to buy the girls an apple each and then go look around at all the goodies. We ended up buying beet chips, a spicy snack mix, coconut macaroon almonds, dill pickle mustard and apple salsa. After everyone was finished, we drove back to Tahoe for some pizza at Tahoe Pizza Company We watched the Patriots game and the Astros game while hanging out with family and friends. It was a great finish to the day. Then we drove home (long drive) and got the girls ready for bed and crashed not long after them.

How was your weekend?


  1. Sounds like it was a busy but fun weekend. Love the girls princess face paintings. so cute.

  2. The girls are so cute with the pumpkins and their princess faces. Sorry to hear you have to have another surgery, but at least you are healing! Glad that Walter didn't have worms. That is always scary.

    1. That is very true. Love looking on the bright side. Oh I am so glad it wasn't worms. That is sooo gross too. I don't know if I could handle that aftermath. Ha.

  3. I'm so so sorry that you have to have another surgery. Ugh.

    On a side note, your girls get more and more beautiful every day. They have the prettiest eyes!

  4. Not another one? I am so sorry. But eventually it will all be done and good. Glad walter is ok. That anal gland thing is just weird... The girl looks so cute with their faces painted and looks like a good time.

    1. I know that it needs to be done and then hopefully I can move on with my nose issue. It really is weird, but we are taking his advice. Ha. And thank you. We had a great time.

  5. Sorry to hear you need surgery again :(
    Those pumpkin patch pics are great.. the girls look adorable.

  6. Your trip to the pumpkin patch looks so fun! Also, pizza and football sounds like the perfect way to end the weekend :)

    1. It was the perfect ending and my favorite pizza place!!

  7. OH man - another surgery???? I'm with you - ANY surgery is not fun. But hopefully that will be it - problem fixed & no more surgeries in the future!!!!
    I would have freaked out too with a call like that from the groomer. Glad your vet got you in quickly & all was OK. We used to have an Aussie that we would have to take weekly sometimes for those glands. Dogs are like kids - always have those emergency visits.

  8. Ugh, I'm so sorry you have to have another surgery. That really sucks. Otherwise though, your weekend looks fabulous! :) So glad you got to go to that pumpkin patch!

  9. Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear you have to have another surgery. I agree, surgery is surgery and that's no fun! Will be praying about that. Such cute pictures of your girls at the orchard!!

    1. Thank you. Means a lot to me!! We did get some pretty amazing shots this weekend!

  10. So glad Walter doesn't have worms!! What a fun weekend, we need to hit up the pumpkin patch before it's too late!

  11. Ugh! I'm so sorry that you are going to need surgery again. :(

  12. Aw, I'm sorry to hear you'll need another surgery. I hope this next one goes just as smoothly and is a really quick recovery! Love the weekend pics. Your girls are too stinkin cute!

  13. Hope you have quick recovery in the second surgery!!!

  14. What a fun weekend! Sorry to hear about another surgery and hopefully the recovery won't be too bad. The farm fun looks like such a great time and the girls look so cute with their faces painted. Sierra Beautifully Candid

  15. Sorry to hear you have to have another surgery. Hopefully it won't be too bad. I love the pumpkin patch pictures and the girls' face paint.

  16. Oh no, sorry to hear about needing another surgery! Hopefully they can get you fixed up and there is a lot less recovery time with this one! Your weekend sounds pretty darn good aside from that (and thinking your dog has worms, haha). So much fall fun!

  17. Sorry you have to have another surgery! I love your darker hair by the way, looks great! What a fun weekend despite the loss and the walter scare. My gosh the girls are growing, they look taller!

  18. Dang, another surgery! Wish you the best.
    Can't go wrong with Jello shots!
    Those face paintings are cute.
